
HellXHere featured in 2011 FrenchMetal compilation

HellXHere's track "Hell Is Here" appears on 2011' compilation

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2011-09-30 Review on

La producción deja ver un sonido directo, sobrecargado con unas guitarras galopantes y unas composiciones que se dejan notar.
Un valor equitativo e instrumental digno de mencionar, un rollo speed melódico muy americano, respirándose por momentos el estilo de dos grandes que han plagado la escena a lo largo de la historia.
La propuesta de HELLXHERE a pesar de tener algunas flojedades, consigue sorprender por su desarrollo técnico y su elaboración. Para ser su primera obra, no está nada mal


7/10 by Francisco J. Román


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2011-09-23 Review and interview on

Neuf titres composent ce premier opus, rempli de riffs de guitare accrocheurs, d’une section rythmique aboutie et de paroles brutes.
En résumé un bon album de métal pour un groupe prometteur !


3* / 4 - by Céline Dehédin


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2011-09-01 Review on

The band’s strongest qualities are especially in their guitars. The gentlemen deliver solid riffs and also the many solos are arranged and performed well. Especially in the faster parts the music is rather catchy.


67/100 - by Horst Vonberg


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2011-08-20 Review on

Despite the European ground upon which they set their base, there's an intense American air breathing through the compositions, a wind blowing from the Metallica/Megadeth steppe.
Every now and then these elements are pretty intense, yet they manage to marry them with a heavy touch of melody, which has to be the European heavy metal heritage running in their veins I presume.
HellXHere have potential and managed to release a decent work of heavy metal, apparently the flame's been burning for so long inside Mirwan and Fred that the outcome turned out to be passionate and sincere to their influences.
Their debut work is a pleasant listen of a born too late band, the choice is always yours.


7/10 by DerRozzengarten


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2011-07-27 Review and interview on

On sent que le duo se paye là un bon moment en rendant hommage aux groupes heavy / thrash de la belle époque
"HellXHere" reste un disque très plaisant à écouter et ô combien accrocheur.
HellXHere nous propose 9 morceaux techniquement irréprochables et assez inspirés qui feront sans doute taper du pied tous les fans de heavy / thrash.

15/20 - by Mr Zède


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